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Book Review of ‘How to find your (first) husband’ by Rosie Blake.

How To Find Your (first) Husband by Rosie Blake.
Published: 2nd June 2016 by Corvus.
Paperback: ISBN-10: 1782398627
ISBN-13: 978-1782398622
Available to buy on Amazon UK/Amazon US.

‘Isobel Graves moved to LA determined to be the Next Big Thing. Instead, she is dressed as a giant prawn handing out fliers promoting a fish market. Rather than attending glamorous parties and dating exciting men, her evenings consist of watching box sets with her sort-of boyfriend, whose idea of romance is a late-night drunken text. Where did it all go wrong? When Isobel catches sight of Andrew Parker, her childhood sweetheart, in the background of a TV news story she feels it’s a sign. If she’d stuck with Andrew everything would have turned out better. Now she just needs to find him…Join Isobel as she travels from LA to Devon and to a remote Malaysian island in search of true love.’

I would like to start off by saying a massive thank you to Corvus and of course Rosie Blake, for giving me the opportunity to review the book before it is released!

As soon as the book came through my letterbox, I squealed and danced, much to the amusement of my two year old. To be fair, look at the cover, how can you not squeal and dance at it? Now add the title to the equation and it’s highly intriguing!
Have you ever had to dress up for work? No, I don’t mean by wearing something a different colour, or tartan or even dress down day. I mean dress up to look completely different. Yes? What did you dress up as? I dressed up as Betty from the Flintstones for work once, in a busy supermarket, on a Saturday….I still cringe now. Although, ha, after reading that Isobel had to dress up a prawn for her job in LA, my embarrassment soon faded!
Isobel moved to LA to land a career in Television, after all it was LA, what could wrong? Instead of living the high life as she had dreamt about, she was handing out fliers dressed as a prawn and a tomato. Not at the same time of course. But in the back of Isobel’s mind, she has always thought about her the guy that just disappeared from her life. The guy she has had a soft spot for, for many years. I mean, he shared his lunch with her at school, how could you not love a guy for that? Isobel is determined to pick up where they left off, if only she knew where he was….
Ah young love with the tales of the playground. Kiss chase, ‘marriages’, arguments because you didn’t wait for someone at lunch time; remember those days? Isobel does! I read the prologue, frowned in confusion, thought ‘what the’ once or twice, and then laughed like a hyena. That was my response after reading two pages. I had high hopes for the rest of the book and I was looking forward to delving into it with that sort of humour. The book didn’t disappoint at all. The flashbacks that happen frequently within the book are a work of art, pure genius on Rosie Blake’s part. Not only do you have the grown up Isobel trying to find her way in life, you read about the younger side to her in the flashbacks and it is brilliant. The lengths that Isobel goes to find the answer to her ‘what if’ is absolutely bonkers, but it wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if many women (or men) had done that! Do you take the chance, or not? Despite it being bonkers (in a good way I must add), the obstacles that Isobel is faced with, alongside the sticky situations that she puts herself in makes hilarious reading. Don’t get me wrong, I did feel a bit sorry for Isobel on multiple occasions, especially when the sticky situations turned into incredibly cringy situations. Rosie Blake has managed to turn embarrassing situations into ‘brush it off’ situations. Imagine that you had a bad first date, and then turned it into a positive thing and ended up laughing and happier than before. Done? That’s how Rosie Blake has written this.
Each situation is completely realistic, every character is unique with realistic tendencies as well. Instead of a book having the ‘typical’ ‘handsome and rugged’ man aka Mr Darcy, it has a man who isn’t out of anyone’s reach because you’ll see someone like that walking down the street.
Isobel’s mum is absolutely crackers and she is one of my favourite characters in the story because she doesn’t give a rat’s tail about anything, and she comes across as ‘being at one’ with herself. But the other side of her shows that she does and says what she wants and couldn’t care less what anyone thinks of it, including her husband! I found that every character in the book had their own story to tell, and Rosie Blake had them tell it in their own special way.
‘How to find you (first) husband’ is such a fun, hilarious and wonderful read. I did not want to put it down at all. I just wanted to stay with Isobel and see what else she could get up to as she is fascinatingly bonkers. This was the very first book of Rosie’s that I have read, and it definitely won’t be the last. Everything is on point with this book, the storyline, characters, humour; just everything. The only downside to this book, in my opinion, was that it had to end. I cannot recommend this book enough and it is definitely one of my favourite books that I have read so far this year (& I have read over 30)!
Rosie Blake, you are a genius.


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My thoughts on Maya Berger’s – Luna Tree: The Baby Project.

Luna Tree: The Baby Project by Maya Berger.
Published: 11th January 2016.
Paperback: ISBN-10: 1519689853
ISBN-13: 978-1519689856
Available to buy on Amazon UKAmazon US

An insight into Maya Berger’s ‘Luna Tree – The Baby Project’. – Author guest post.

‘Maya is kicking up her heels, living the fabulous and mostly carefree life of a twenty-something young woman. However, in the back of her mind continuous longing for a good marriage and family lingers. How do you find the right man, the one who sticks through thick and thin? Will he provide you with the things you find essential in a relationship? Maya kissed a few frogs before finding her Prince Charming, but what followed was of higher importance. She started feeling chronic pain in her lower back, the pain that wouldn’t let her neither sit nor stand. Thus Maya began her relentless quest for diagnosis and healing, which she ends after discovering Energy healing. She travels the globe to receive and raise her own stored Energy, the one that changes everything. Her ultimate desires come true.’

Little over a week ago I was given the Luna Tree as a prize on Twitter by Maya Berger, so before I had read the book myself, I invited Maya onto my blog to find out why she wrote it. Here’s what she said: An insight into Maya Berger’s ‘Luna Tree – The Baby Project’.

Fast forward to now and the book has been read and time has been spent thinking about the contents of the book. With other books I wouldn’t spend a couple days thinking in detail about what I had just read, but this book was different. It’s about Maya’s life, the paths she has taken to get to where she is now, and the hurdles she has fought to get over.
In the book, Maya describes her relationship with her family as well as her personal relationships in her bid to find ‘the one’. She tells the readers her ups and her downs and how life for her was ‘normal’ until one day she woke up, and her whole life changed.
Maya started to have physical struggles that left her in chronic pain, and despite going to all the ‘best doctors’ as recommended by family or friends, not one of them could give her a definitive diagnosis.
The way that Maya approaches her story with such honesty is refreshing. She explains how she rubbish she felt and how frustrated the situation was for her. I am quite aware that a lot of people reading this will probably be able to relate to the frustration of no diagnosis, constant pain, life limits and severe frustration. Yes? Thought so, myself included.
Maya even explains how and why she turned to alternative therapies, despite being aware of how people would say that she is ‘paying for air’. The thing is, it seemed to help for her and put her in a more comfortable state and the life limits not being as rigorous as before.
Who is anyone to judge? Firstly, Maya lives in a completely different country which has different cultures and beliefs as opposed to the UK. Secondly, it’s her money, her life. She found something that worked for HER and she grabbed it. I personally find it admirable that Maya had the confidence to stick to her guns and carry on with what she felt was right. It takes a lot of guts to do that, especially where chronic illnesses are concerned because you’re not only fighting with your own body, you’re fighting with other peoples misunderstanding of you.
Luna Tree is just one story of a persons battles through life, not only in terms of finding her diagnosis, but finally becoming a mother. Everyone has a different story and a different approach to whatever their life throws at them. This story is an honest, admirable, and a very powerful account of reality for Maya. The strength that one person can have is very commendable, especially when she has found a way to turn it around.
Nobody fights the same battles, nobody jumps the same hurdles. As long as you jump your own hurdles and fight your battles in a way that is right for you, who is anyone to ask for anything different?
Thank you Maya for sharing your honest story.


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Time for a Weekly Wrap Up!

Weekly Wrap Up!

If you have been hiding under a rock this week or you were washing your hair, then you have missed all this lovely lot! Time for The Writing Garnet’s debut Weekly Wrap Up!

This week has seen the lovable Maya Berger talk about her Luna Tree in her guest post:
An insight into Maya Berger’s ‘Luna Tree – The Baby Project’.

I managed to have a natter with the lovely Evie who features in ‘Goodbye Ruby Tuesday’ by A.L.Michael. Managed to grab and exclusive from her aswell. A.L.Michael can’t say no to me, obvs ;).  Such fun!
*NOT TO BE MISSED*. Evie from ‘Goodbye Ruby Tuesday’ by A.L.Michael stops by for a chat, and an EXCLUSIVE!

Now, it seems that I have two posts this week that have been fighting for top spot in terms of views. Goodbye Ruby Tuesday and…..Darcie Boleyn’s book Something Old, Something New!
So much for a bank holiday weekend, we went on tour with Darcie and Annie, and decided that moonwalking was the in thing. Or rather I did, alone, completely alone. Whilst watching Annie admire a lolly stick…..
The Blog Tour bus has stopped right here with ‘Something Old, Something New’ with Darcie! (and Annie!)

This week has also seen the release Lily Graham’s Summer Escape novel and I decided to sit down with Lily and talk about The Magic Faraway Tree, as you do. Oh, and the book obviously….
TWG speaks to Lily Graham on the publication day for Summer Escape. OUT NOW!!

Oh there is more! Samantha Tonge decided she fancied a bit of Poldark for breakfast. No, wait, Poldark’s breakfast? Ahem. Ah, Samantha decided to reveal Poldark’s breakfast! No, still not right? How many innuendo’s can one fit in a paragraph…..
Pfftt fine, Samantha Tonge had a reveal of her gorgeous new cover for ‘Breakfast at Poldarks’. Can see where I went wrong….
**COVER REVEAL** It’s time for ‘Breakfast at Poldarks’ with Samantha Tonge!

And if all of that wasn’t enough fun for you, we went on tour AGAIN courtesy of a lovely Bear(@batbtweets). ‘I wish I could remember you’ by L.J.Epps.
Book Tour of ‘I Wish I Could Remember You’ by L.J.Epps.

Books received:
I’m only going to write the physical books as I may have, ever so slightly, lost track of the kindle ones…I haven’t been buying more, I swear. Pinocchio what are you doing here?!?

My lovely book post this week was: ‘We’ve come to take you home’ by Susan Gander and ‘Now and then friends’ by Kate Hewitt.

I also bought a physical book: ‘The Girls’ by Lisa Jewell.

The number of books that I have read this week has only been three, I think!

Next week sees more book reviews, book tours, Q&A’s and giggles! Enjoy your week!

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Book Tour of ‘I Wish I Could Remember You’ by L.J.Epps.

Today it is my turn on the one month book tour for ‘I wish I could remember you’ courtesy of The Books and The Bear. Thank you for giving me opportunity to be involved with this book!

I wish I could remember you by L.J.Epps.
Available to buy now from: Amazon US/Amazon UK/
Apple iBook/Kobo

‘Emily wants romance in her life—the kind of romance that leads to a perfect marriage. She dreams of having a husband who loves her and treats her with respect, someone she can spend the rest of her life with. She meets—and marries—Steven Montgomery, hoping he will make all of those things come true.
Finally, after so much devastation, Emily leaves Steven, files for divorce, and moves on with her life. Her sister, Monica, introduces her to a wonderful man named Robert. Emily falls in love with him. He is kind, gentle and sweet—all things now missing from her marriage. She is happy, in love again, and well on her way to divorcing Steven.
But, Steven doesn’t want the divorce; and, since he is a savvy lawyer, he tries everything to prevent it. Although Emily still has residual feelings for Steven, she knows that it could never work between them. She wants to move on with the new love of her life, Robert.
After a horrific accident, Emily can no longer remember Robert and all the things he has meant to her, and she can no longer remember all the horrific things Steven has done to her.’

Who would say no to romance or a happily-ever-after type relationship? Not many people I would imagine. When two people get married, they don’t except abuse after abuse, disaster after disaster or the dreaded control, do they? I can only assume no, I’ve never been married. That wasn’t the sort of relationship that Emily thought she would get when she married Steven. A ‘perfect romance’ to begin with, the ‘perfect man’, everything just slotting into place, that was Emily’s dream. But did Emily’s dream come true? Or did she find herself in an unbearable situation?
Emily and Steven’s relationship spiralled into a cloud of negativity, so bad that Emily filed for a divorce and tried to move on with her life with a wonderful man named Robert. But Steven wasn’t daft. He wasn’t going to leave her alone, and he had people he could call on for ‘favours’. Steven wanted Robert out of the picture, and there was only one way he was going to be able to make that happen, illegally.
Unfortunately, he got more than he bargained for. Emily suffers an horrific car accident which leaves her with the inability to remember the recent and happy moments with Robert, but it’s left her remembering the ‘wonderful’ things about her and Steven’s relationship. Pretty much a case of ‘rose tinted glasses’. She refused to believe her past, what Steven was capable of and he knew that, but he also used that to HIS advantage and not hers.
‘I wish I could remember you’ covers really tragic and unfortunately circumstances, some of which many women and men suffer on a daily basis. L.J.Epps, in my opinion, has written about those situations in a realistic way to show exactly how damaging it is and that it isn’t a laughing matter. It’s a very serious matter and should not be ignored. However, when you’re living that life, you don’t see it, so the rose tinted glasses stay on. I enjoyed the book because of how it was written and how ‘normal’ the characters were. Obviously the topic within the novel wasn’t enjoyable but because it was a subject that happens, I still found it to be part of a good story. One thing I would say is though, L.J.Epps delves into the situations and circumstance with great detail throughout, however, the last part of the book I found that it halted far too quickly without much of an explanation. The basis of the explanation was there, but that was it. Now, that is nothing against the writing or the book because it just shows that I wanted more of the book and didn’t want it to end.
The storyline was incredibly gripping and quite unpredictable which, for me, made it even more enjoyable. I like feeling that I’m reading a book which leaves me sitting on the edge of my seat in anticipation. ‘I wish I could remember you’ was one of those books. Full of emotion, raw reality and very unfortunate circumstances. Those things MADE the story. There were times within the story that I gasped, cried, got angry and thought ‘what the’…the makings of a mind blowing story.

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The Blog Tour bus has stopped right here with ‘Something Old, Something New’ with Darcie! (and Annie!)

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“Annie are you okay? Are you okay? Are you okay Annie?” -moonwalks-. I wonder if anyone has moonwalked down the aisle on their wedding day…hmmm. Darcie, did Annie? I’m curious now. Oh, sorry, you’re not here for my thoughts on dancing are you? Pfffffttttttt! Well, that’s alright then because I have something WAYYYY more interesting than me moonwalking to MJ.

Welcome to today’s Blog Tour Stop for Darcie Boleyn ‘Something Old, Something New’! (Courtesy of @NeverlandBT)
Buy Something Old, Something New from Amazon UK

‘A heartwarming, giggle­inducing romance from Darcie Boleyn, just in time for the wedding season! Will you marry me…again?
When Annie Thomas agrees to give her ex away at his wedding to his boyfriend, she thinks she’ll be fine. With her three children at her side, she can handle anything. Then she finds out her gorgeous first ex-­husband Evan Llewellyn is flying in from his glamorous life in New York to attend as well! An unexpected pregnancy ended their relationship and as she stumbles throug
h the ups and downs of life as a working single mum – helping everyone else find a happy ending along the way – Annie refuses to believe their old and incredibly hot spark can still exist. It’s only when she and Evan are forced to face up to the past together that they’ll discover if they can have their own happily­everafter too!’

I must admit, I was extremely excited about reading this book and being involved in the tour that I read the book a couple of weeks ago, ready. Eager much?
‘Something Old, Something New’ gives you an insight to Annie’s past, present and personality. On the topic of personality, if you could choose the most bizarre name for a dog, what would it be? I wonder what Annie called her dogs….
Annie Thomas hasn’t had the most straight forward life so far; one child with her first husband, two children with her second gay now ex-husband, and a neighbour who believes in finding her own Prince Charming…in lycra.
Annie was asked to give her ex husband away at his wedding, naturally she agrees, but that was before she realised she would have not ONE ex husband in the same room as her, but TWO ex husbands. Will the flutters in her tummy for a certain ex husband fly away? Or will Annie’s past come back to life right in front of her?

To be honest, I was hooked by the first word in the book! My sort of woman is Annie! If you’re not hooked by the third or fourth page then I want to know why. The cringe factor and hilarity is on point right from the beginning of the book. I had to read the rest of the first chapter through my fingers because I was laughing so hard and had no idea what Annie was going to get up to next. I certainly won’t be looking at lolly sticks without laughing from now on let me tell you!
The way Darcie has written Annie’s character, I could tell she had a bond with her. Annie is such a warm, funny and engaging character, it was hard not to love her. She constantly thinks about her past and wants to not make the same mistakes as before, so it’s like she is always on tenterhooks. I mean, who doesn’t think about their past and their mistakes? Everyone does or at least has done. Annie wants the best life for her children and her close friends, whilst in the process putting herself last. I thoroughly enjoyed this book because of all the giggles, the realness of the storyline, especially with the ‘unconventional family’. For me, it flowed excellently, every single word in the novel had a right to be there if that makes sense!
As the story progressed, I began to learn more about Annie’s children and her exes. With the newfound information I was urging Annie to make a decision. I predicted the story would unfold in a certain way, and it did. Now, that did not disappoint me at all because I’m all for cheerleading, especially when you’re hopeful about the characters and their lives when you read such a wonderful book.
Darcie has written about real life struggles and circumstances in such a refreshing way. Instead of making a bad situation all fluffy and false outcomes, she has made them….real, made them fit in with now because someone somewhere is going through those things. Darcie has written about fear, sadness, hope, but most of all, love. There’s one thing writing about love and not having anyone believe it, but to write about love in multiple forms and write it in a memorable and outstanding way is incredible. I think that shows how wonderful of a writer Darcie is if she can portray all of that within the storyline and characters.
Seeing as this is a romantic comedy, do you think I cried whilst I read it? Of course I did! Reading ‘Something Old, Something New’ was like watching your best friends wedding video. Emotional but utterly brilliant. If I could pack up and move into Annie’s house, I would. Thank you Darcie for a truly exceptional and thought provoking read. You have made me believe that it’s okay not to be perfect, as long as you are true.

About the author:

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Darcie’s Twitter
Darcie’s Facebook
Darcie’s Blog (1)
Darcie’s Blog (2)

Darcie Boleyn has a huge heart and is a real softy. She never fails to cry at books and movies, whether the ending is happy or not. Darcie is in possession of an overactive imagination that often keeps her awake at night. Her childhood dream was to become a Jedi but she hasn’t yet found suitable transport to take her to a galaxy far, far away. She also has reservations about how she’d look in a gold bikini, as she rather enjoys red wine, cheese and loves anything with ginger or cherries in it – especially chocolate. Darcie fell in love in New York, got married in the snow, rescues uncoordinated greyhounds and can usually be found reading or typing away on her laptop.

Before you go, fancy a chance at winning a copy of Something Old, Something new? Well here is your chance to!
Click here to enter the giveaway!


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**COVER REVEAL** It’s time for ‘Breakfast at Poldarks’ with Samantha Tonge!

It’s an exciting blog post for you all this morning! A VERY exciting one. Why? Because I have the honour revealing Samantha Tonge’s brand new cover for her new novel! Thrilled to be a part of this today! I won’t keep you too much longer, although I am trying to build suspense…..but what the heck, it’s gorgeous and I just HAVE to show you. You ready?

Drumroll please……

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TADAAAAAAA!! Isn’t is a beautiful cover! Stylish and highly enticing, and that’s just the cover! Want to find out a little bit about the book? Good, because funnily enough, I have some information right here for you!


‘Kate Golightly needs to move forward and what better way to do that then with a trip to the Cornish coast with best friend and boss, Izzy. The sea wind is just what Kate needs to finally relax and begin to let go of her past. Except she’s suddenly got one big reason to panic! She RSVP’d ‘yes’ to the Queen Bee of her high school’s wedding saying she’s bringing her boyfriend (she doesn’t have one) who looks just like Ross Poldark! With only two weeks to find the Poldark look­alike of her dreams Kate is under a lot of pressure for the Cornish coast to deliver…

A hilarious and moving romantic novel from bestselling author, Samantha Tonge. A must­read this summer!’

Like the sound of that? If you’re anything like me and enjoy pre-ordering books so you have them waiting, bit like Christmas presents, then here is where you can pre-order it from!

Add to Goodreads
Buy from Amazon UK
Buy from Amazon US

About the author Samantha Tonge.

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Samantha lives in Cheshire with her lovely family and a cat that thinks it’s a dog. Along with writing, her days are spent cycling, willing cakes to rise and avoiding housework. A love of fiction developed as a child, when she was known for reading Enid Blyton books in the bath. A desire to write bubbled away in the background whilst she pursued other careers, including a fun stint working at Disneyland Paris. Formally trained as a linguist, Samantha now likes nothing more than holing herself up in the spare room, in front of the keyboard. She has sold over 80 stories to women’s magazines. Her bestselling debut novel, “Doubting Abbey”, from CarinaUK HarperCollins, was shortlisted for the Festival of Romantic Fiction best Ebook award in 2014. Game of Scones won the 2015 Love Stories Awards Best Romantic Ebook category.

Get in touch with Samantha:

Samantha’s Facebook
Samantha’s Twitter
Samantha’s Website.


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TWG speaks to Lily Graham on the publication day for Summer Escape. OUT NOW!!


If you haven’t guessed already, today is the day that Lily Graham’s latest book ‘The Summer Escape’ released! It is available for all of you lovely readers to go onto Amazon and get your hands on a copy.
‘Why?’ I hear you shout. Well, click —-> The Summer Escape – Book Review <—- to find my honest opinion on the book. It honestly is a book you do not want to miss out on, especially if you’re going on holiday because it’s an ideal summer book!
To order your copy (available in E-book and paperback): Buy ‘The Summer Escape’ on Amazon UK.

Lily is an exceptionally busy lady, (especially given the fact she is currently writing her next book as we speak), I was very honoured when she agreed to sit and have a chat with me about writing, books….oh, and The Magic Faraway Tree, obviously!

TWG: Could you tell us a bit about yourself before you started writing, and how you came to decide to start writing your first novel?

Sure, I’ve been a journalist for about ten years, and before that I studied literature. Reading and writing have always been a part of me. At around age nine, when I discovered that books were written by actual people, I made a pact that I would do that one day. I couldn’t think of a better way to spend my time, twenty plus years later – I still can’t. My first complete novel though was due to my best friend. She’d been reading all of my half-finished manuscripts for years and set me a challenge to finish one. Which I did. That became An Invincible Summer, which has now been republished as The Summer Escape. None of it wouldn’t have happened if she hadn’t of put her rather gentle foot down.

TWG: Ria has such a tough career to begin with. I am trying to approach this delicately, but why did you choose that as her first career? Wasn’t that quite difficult for you to write?

I wanted to give her a job that she would want to run away from, one that tested the very heart of her, but also brought out the best in her as well. It was a great way of showing her heart, and her courage from the start, and how if used well, it could lead to incredible things. I started off thinking: what would be the worst job you could have if you’d lost two of the people closest to you.

TWG: In your novel ‘The Summer Escape’, you have given such an incredibly detailed description of Crete and the bakeries. Have you ever been there? If so, how similar are your descriptions to the actual place?

Yes, I have. Though I would have loved a year there like Ria. My village Ouranó, which means heaven is a fictional blend of a few places I visited in Chania. I wanted to create a place that blended vineyards with olive groves and the sea.

TWG: As a reader, you are quite sheltered from Ria’s past for a majority of the story, just like those she comes to meet. How intentional was that? Did you feel that Ria needed to trust the readers as much as the strangers she meets, before she told her story?

That’s a great question. I think it’s a bit of both, the reader is getting to know Ria, like they would a friend, and most people take a while to reveal what is in their hearts. Also, in many ways Ria’s only coping mechanism has been to not deal with anything. She’s been living in a form of denial for years, stuck in limbo. It’s only when she changes her circumstances is she able to open up, even to herself.

TWG: Were any of your characters or situations based on people you know?

Very loosely. I know a fabulous travel blogger who served as the inspiration for Caroline in some ways, Joanna Lumley was also a bit of the inspiration – love her. The rest were pretty much from my imagination. Parts of Ria are also inspired by my best-friend, Catherine.

TWG: Poor Ria gets herself into a pickle once or twice throughout the novel, did you ever feel sorry for her when you were writing her actions and personality?

Oh definitely! But it was fun to see her work her way out of them. Often she ended up surprising me with her resourcefulness, and her confrontational attitude. What I loved about her character was how strong she was, despite everything she’d been through.

TWG: Halfway into the story, Ria and the readers find themselves playing detective, it does make you think! You wrote it very cleverly. Once again, the detail and realistic take on the scenario is mind-blowing, that must have taken a lot of research on your part to ensure you were on point with everything surely?

Thanks so much. Yes – that was my favourite part. A lot of the book is actually a detective story and you are unlocking the clues with Ria. It was fun to work them all out. I had such a lucky boon though when a defence attorney friend beta read the book and said that it all sounded plausible, which made my year. The hardest part is when you change something, then you have to go back and change it everywhere and make sure it all works out like dates, evidence etc.

TWG: Did you dislike any of your characters in your book?

Not really. The baddies were fun to write. Tony, Tom’s brother for instance, has some really great lines, as does Chief Inspector Mino who is simply awful. Writing those scenes were oddly satisfying, mainly because it really tests Ria’s wit and I love how sarcastic and real she could become.

TWG: This is unrelated, sorry, but I must ask this one. I know one of your favourite books is The Magic Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton. Anyone that knows me will be well aware that I LOVE that book and I get super excited by a certain land, burning question, which is your favourite land that appears at the top of the tree and why?

I think my favourite part has always been the tree itself. I still want to visit Moonface and Silky and take a slide down the slippery slip! But favourite land, I think it must be the land of spells. I love anything to do with magic. Now you have to tell us yours!!
TWG: My favourite land is the Land of Goodies! Or the Land of Presents haha.

TWG: Lastly, what is next for you for the rest of 2016 and onwards? What exciting things can we look forward to?

Towards September, my second book, will be released. It was previously published as a novella called The Postcard, and has now been turned into a full length novel, it’s a magical tale about the power of a mother’s love.

Thank you again to the lovely Lily for making time for The Writing Garnet! Really looking forward to her next book, also rather impatient though! After you have read The Summer Escape, pretty please do leave a review on Amazon/Goodreads, not only are you giving your thoughts (constructive), you’re also supporting the author and their work! Plus, when you get a good book to read like this one, two seconds to leave a review is nothing really is it? 😉

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*NOT TO BE MISSED*. Evie from ‘Goodbye Ruby Tuesday’ by A.L.Michael stops by for a chat, and an EXCLUSIVE!

Important question time. How many of you have read A.L.Michael’s ‘Goodbye Ruby Tuesday’? If you haven’t, why not?! At the start of May I blogged about the book and its main ladies Chelsea, Evie and Mollie.
If you need a recap: Goodbye Ruby Tuesday by A.L.Michael. Book Tour!
For those that have already read the book, wasn’t it FABULOUS?  Lucky for us, it is part of a series and the second book ‘Nice Day For A White Wedding’ is out next month! I know, I know, I’m jumping up and down right now too (no really, I am). So excited!

Tonight on the blog, I have something very special for you. I spoke with A.L.Michael and asked her if one of her characters from the book would stop by for a good ol’ girly chinwag, and of course she said yes (she doesn’t say no to me y’know 😉 ).

Shall I stop talking at you and get on with it? Lets give Evie  from ‘Goodbye Ruby Tuesday’ a very warm welcome to The Writing Garnet!

TWG: Good evening Evie! Thank you for stopping by for a chat! I know you have recently lost Ruby, how are you coping now? 
Hiya. Well, we lost touch a while ago, but it’s ridiculous to think she’s not here, not somewhere in London singing and performing and living this crazy, ridiculous life. She was always so full of life, it’s weird to think she’s not here. But I feel better knowing we’re doing what she would have wanted.
TWG: When we caught up with you last you couldn’t seem to fathom why you all broke contact for years and lost touch, do you have any idea as to who or what caused that?
It wasn’t on purpose, we always meant to catch up and get together again. I think…well, I thought fame would change her. It’s hard to watch this amazing, talented performer on stage and think she’d actually be interested in seeing a friend she knew for a couple of years when she was a teenager. I was scared of being rejected, I guess.
TWG: I understand that your dad was a pain in the neck when you were growing up, do you think he really did care about you?
Or was your mum too blind to the situations when you were a child? That must have been difficult! Especially with your painting getting sold!
That man isn’t capable of love, or caring about anyone but himself. My mum…she’s blinded by love. I always swore I would never be like that, never become a doormat. 
TWG: What were your thoughts when you found out that Ruby had left you a house in Camden Square? Was that a surprise to you given the circumstances?
I don’t think I could imagine something more strange. It was amazing to think she remembered our dream, that she still wanted that for us, it was a way of telling us she still knew us, and I’ll cherish that.
TWG: Chelsea didn’t seem too excited about your plans, I know Mollie had to think of little Esme (say hi to her for me!) but she didn’t really have much to lose did she? Unless there is something she isn’t telling us?
Chelsea has a lot more to lose, she went to a big posh university, she created a whole new person – I’m just glad the Chels we knew is still in there! She just spent so long trying to wipe away any signs of our past, anything that happened on the estate, some of the things she saw, the way she was…I get why it’s been harder for her. She’s got secrets, she’s got her own story to tell.
TWG: I felt sorry for you, you took all of the pressure of the house, just so people would change their opinion of you. Why? I got the impression you were quite fiery when you were growing up, what else happened?
I was always a pain in the arse, no surprises there! I’m the one who makes things happen, I always have been. When the others can’t do things, or are too scared to do something, I try to make it easy. And maybe, there’s something about feeling like a failure. I didn’t want that life, that little life in Badgeley that everyone else had. I could see Mollie falling into it, and I didn’t want Esme to grow up like we did, with no hope of anything better.
TWG: Sorry for the personal question, why are you so guarded with males? Didn’t you want to find your Prince Charming?
Fairytales are for kids. That all enduring, endless, crazy love, it’s dangerous stuff. You’re vulnerable, and you can get hurt, and you just end up making terrible decisions. Just like my mum. I didn’t ever want to be like that. So I picked safe people, who’d never make me feel anything too dangerous.
TWG: If someone came to you for advice about dreams and not knowing whether they should just ‘go for it’, what advice would you give them? I would say Esme but she seems to be good at giving you advice!
Of course they should go for it! Always go for it. Life is so short, and shitty stuff happens. Grab joy while you can. Don’t waste a minute being miserable.

Okay, I did say that there was going to be an exclusive in this blog. I must say, I’m very excited about this too. Cor, highly excitable tonight eh! A bit like one of my Twitter followers who is super excited for this blog post! (Hi Clair 😉 ). When I was having a chat with Evie, I asked if she could tell us, well, ‘me’, any secrets or gossip. Here, exclusively for The Writing Garnet, is what she had to say…..

TWG: Between you and me, what secrets can you tell me about the other two ladies? Do you have any juicy gossip?
I can tell you that the lovely Kit has talked to me about Chelsea, he might have shown me a very beautiful ring he wants to give her! And Mollie has to keep her promise to start dating, it’s been long enough, don’t you think? Not that I’m being bossy, obviously!

Thank you Evie for stopping by, and thank you to A.L.Michael for arranging it! Now, if you have read this giggle fest already, PLEASE leave a review on Amazon & Goodreads as they’re vital for authors. Doesn’t have to be an essay, but constructive as these books are their babies! Words multiply….obviously!!!

The next book in the series is available to pre-order right NOW! To do so, click HERE.
If you’re wanting to buy the first one, Goodbye Ruby Tuesday, then I would highly suggest you do so ASAP aka now, as it’s currently 99p. There is no guarantee as to how long the book will stay that price, so do not miss out on all the excitement! Buy ‘Goodbye Ruby Tuesday’.

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An insight into Maya Berger’s ‘Luna Tree – The Baby Project’.

I had seen the cover of ‘Luna Tree’ before whilst browsing Amazon, and it’s one that definitely caught my eye. How could it not? Then one day, I stumbled across the lady herself, Maya Berger on Twitter, where I won myself a copy of the beautiful book. The cover intrigued me, the author intrigued me, I just knew I had to get her onto my blog and find out more, which leads us to now. Maya has kindly written a guest post about why she wrote her book ‘Luna Tree – The Baby Project’. I read the post, and I cried. I cried because it hit home in more ways than one, and I am sure a lot of you will be able to relate to parts of it as well.
Now, I will hand you over to Maya and her heartfelt words…


‘Firstly Kaisha, thank you for the chance to tell your readers about my book!

Luna tree is the first book I’ve written. It is about my desire to become a better version of myself, and my dream to have a baby. I was motivated to write a book because I had very big obstacles to overcome to get to where I am today. I start the book with a peek into my childhood and adolescence. Then I describe my early relationships and finally the period of my life when I met my husband. It was important to me that a reader gets to know my background, where I am coming from. Then I got sick with autoimmune illness that almost made me handicapped. It lasted for almost three years and in that period I visited numerous Western and Eastern medicine practitioners and travelled the world to find a cure. The worst part was not knowing what was wrong with me because you don’t know if there is a medicine for it. Not knowing how will I live for the rest of my life without the ability to sit, or walk, or even lie down without the special mattress was something that I was living with every day and it was hard to accept it.

Finally, I got better and conceived a baby. It was an incredible experience, and I felt a need to share it with everyone, especially with people who feel they are in a dead-end street. Today I am healthy and the proud mother of my baby girl Luna.

I don’t think I am the strongest person living. I cried so many times I can’t even count them. The solution is not to give up. I would cry and then find another doctor, then I would cry again and seek another one until I realized that the doctors might not ever diagnose me properly – that’s when I turned to alternative practitioners. There is a solution for every problem, we just have to find it. The worst is to just accept the situation and feel sorry for yourself. It doesn’t really mean you accepted the situation, it just means you gave up.

Through my whole life I had to care for someone: My Mom, my sister, my boyfriend… and finally there was a person who took care of me and I could relax. But then things went downward. You know, like when you work hard and have no time to be ill, and then you finally get some time, and what happens? You get sick, because you spent the last atom of your strength and now you have no energy for anything. My “time off” started on our skiing trip when I suddenly expected my husband to solve all my little problems that never even existed before (because I was to busy solving other people’s problems ).

I started to write Luna Tree when I got my baby girl. I would write when she was asleep. I always had time for writing, because I felt the need to share my story and maybe help someone in a similar situation feel better. Nowadays, I write an hour or two daily in the morning or evening when I don’t have other responsibilities like my work as a presenter, housework or playing with my girl. If you love doing something, you will always make the time to do it.

Today, I am finishing my second book, also a chick-lit memoir, so to say. It is a funny story about two girls invited to a Belgian wedding. There is a twist, too, and I think readers will love it!

As far as the books I like go – I love psychological dramas, chick-lit, sometimes thrillers. I read all books by Lianne Moriarty, Carlos Ruiz Zafon, and Rainbow Rowell. Those are my favorite writers, but I’ll read anything if I have the time.

Very honest post, don’t you agree? Many of us battle with life long illnesses, or come up against brick walls when it comes to things in our lives. Everyone us different, everyone’s battle is different. But to see an author put it into one of their books for the world to see, and to make the reality of chronic illnesses/autoimmune diseases widely known, it is empowering. Why? Because we need awareness, we need support, and we need people to understand in their own special way. Just like Maya.

How many of you have read the book? If you haven’t read it yet (I haven’t but it’s bumped up my list so expect a review this week), then I will pop the links below of where you can buy it. It’s currently available in both paperback and e-book format. I don’t think this book is one that you should miss:

untitled (27)
Where to buy:
Amazon US
Amazon UK

About the author – Maya Berger:
Maya Berger is a 41-year-old woman from Croatia. Born in Zagreb where she lives, Maya studied in Dubrovnik and life was rosy until something stopped her – Ankylosing Spondylitis. Maya battled chronic pain for years, and was misdiagnosed for quite some time, so when AS was finally defined, she felt relief. She also found a way to get rid of chronic pain for some 85%, following some alternative medicine options.  As Maya personally dislikes depressing books, she did everything to avoid writing one… regardless of a somewhat heavier topic. Most of the people who read it say it’s an uplifting read. She calls it a humorous guide to recovery and healing.

Maya’s Twitter
Maya’s Facebook
Luna Tree Website.

Big thank you to Maya Berger for taking the time to be with us here today, I really do appreciate it!

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My A-Z Of Books!

My A-Z of books…

I saw this on my lovely friend mychestnutreadingtree – Joanne‘s blog, and I have only gotten round to do it tonight! Whoopsie!

Author You’ve Read the Most Books From

Oh geez! Probably Carole Matthews, Ali McNamara and Jenny Colgan. I know that it’s three authors but they’re on par with the amount I’ve read of each!

Best Sequel Ever

Ali McNamara – The Notting Hill series. It’s amazing, celeb fest, and hilarious.

Currently Reading

How to find your (first) husband by Rosie Blake.

Drink of Choice While Reading

A cup of tea, definitely.

E-Reader or Physical Book
I have always vowed never to read a book on a Kindle because I thought it would take the magic and feel away from paperbacks. However, I was wrong. Plus, when you become a professional reader, it opens you up to more opportunities with a Kindle. Sooooo, both within reason.

Fictional Character You Probably Would Have Actually Dated in High School

I have no idea actually, nobody springs to mind.

 Glad You Gave this Book a Chance

I honestly couldn’t name one because I’m glad I give every book a chance. I have only not finished a book once…

Hidden Gem Book

The Insignificance of you by Tammy Robinson. I had no idea about the book until I was offered to review it in TBC, and it’s become one of my favourite books.

Important Moment in Your Reading Life

Being able to talk to my favourite authors if I’m honest. Authors to be are A-list celebrities. I’m in awe whenever I am able to talk to one, or when their names come up in TBC on Facebook. Major Fangirl moments as Clare Macintosh found out! (Sorry!!!)

Just Finished

I wish I could remember you by L.J.Epps as I am on a blog tour for it in a week! You’ll find out more then!

Kind of Books You Won’t Read

Sci-fi/fantasy or really gorey ones. That said, I judge each book with their own merit so a book might fall into those categories yet I’ll still read it if I like the sound of it. Haha, makes no sense but oh well!

Longest Book You’ve Read

All books are short to me as I speed read haha.

Major Book Hangover

I have a couple:

When Stars Collide by Tammy Robinson – I am still speechless about that book. Such emotion.


Bella’s Christmas Bake Off by Sue Watson – despite the fact it was hilarious, it had a hidden message that still sits with me weeks after reading it.

Number of Bookcases You Own

I did own two, but my daughter has taken up a whole one as she has loads of books like her mumma. I have a small one on my desk, but then books are everywhere in my house so I guess you could say my house is a bookcase? Imagine that eh!

One Book You’ve Read Multiple Times

As childish as I may appear here, The Magic Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton, and Milly, Molly, Mandy by Joyce Lankester Brisley.

Preferred Place to Read

My bed because it’s the only place I can get semi comfortable with my legs.

Quote that Inspires You/Gives You all the Feels from a Book You’ve Read

I couldn’t pick because some emotive books that I have read are just full of amazing quotes.

Reading Regret

That I didn’t find an amazing author and their books sooner! It has happened on multiple occasions!

Series You Started and Need to Finish

Gingerbread Café books by Rebecca Raisin. Just need to read the third one!

Three of Your All-Time Favourite Books

Ahhhh I like too many! When you’re a book geek it’s hard to pick!

The House We Grew Up In by Lisa Jewell.
Take a look at me now by Miranda Dickinson.
My Husbands Secret by Lianne Moriarty.

Special mention to Carol Wyer and her Life Swap because it was bizarrely hilarious! I do have more favourites though!

Unapologetic Fangirl For

Ali McNamara. I was lucky enough to do an interview with her and I think the e-mail start off with ‘oh my god, I’m such a huge fan’. Haha, so professional!

Very Excited for this Release more than All Others

Sue Watson’s new book ‘We’ll Always Have Paris’ which is out in June. I’ve been seeing the cover for what seems like AAAAGGGGGEEEESSSSS and Sue knows I’m so excited about this one and cannot wait to help her!

Worst Bookish Habit

Buying too many! <— I’ll agree with that Jo!

X Marks the Spot: Start on the Top Left of Your Shelf and Pick the 27th Book

I’m not going downstairs for that! Although I think it’s a Diane Chamberlain one!

Your Latest Purchase

Sophie Kinsella – Can You Keep A Secret? Bought it today haha.

Zzzzz-Snatcher Book (Last Book that Kept You up Way too late)

The Letter by Kathryn Hughes. I had to finish it. Brilliant book if you haven’t read it

Well that’s my A-Z and I will be interested in seeing some of yours as well!