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#TheCottageInACornishCove @CassGrafton @RaRaResources #review #blogtour

Delighted to be a last minute addition on Cass Grafton’s blog tour this evening! Many thanks to Rachel for providing the review copy.

Orphaned as a baby and raised by uncaring relatives, much of Anna Redding’s happiness as a child came from the long summer holidays spent with an elderly family friend, Aunt Meg, in the coastal village of Polkerran.

With Aunt Meg’s passing, Anna is drawn back to the West Country, relocating to the Cornish cove where she was once so happy. Filled with memories, she hopes to perhaps open a B&B—and perhaps cross paths with Alex Tremayne again, a local boy she used to have a major crush on and who only had to walk past Anna to make her heart flutter.

Settling into her new life, and enjoying her work for the older, reclusive and—to be honest—often exasperating Oliver Seymour, Anna is delighted when Alex reappears in Polkerran and sweeps her off her feet.

The stars finally seem to be aligned, but just as Anna thinks all she’s ever wished for is within reach, a shock discovery brings everything under threat, and she discovers she’s living a dream that isn’t hers.

Can Anna rescue the new life she has made for herself and, when the testing moment comes, will anyone be there to hold her hand?

What does TWG think?

This book is a real diamond in the rough as on the outside it looks pretty, yet on the inside there is a lot more to the storyline that meets the eye.

Be prepared to have many ‘setting the scene’ type chapters as the pace takes quite a while to pick up. Obviously that has both positives and negatives attached to it. On one hand it’s good to get a feel for the characters and get to know their backstory before moving forward, but on the other hand a slow paced storyline can be a bit of a mud sticking read and some may find that frustrating. In this instance I did a little as I thought that there was a lot of padding out in the book instead of getting the oomph ignited.

However, that’s probably my only irk of the entire book. Pace aside, the premise of the book really touched me. Anna came across as such a lost soul who was yearning for happiness in her life, something which, in the grand scheme of things, isnt really too much to ask.

Learning about Anna’s start in life was quite emotional and i felt really drawn to her outlook on situations and the fact that she wasnt afraid to go after what she truly wanted. Needless to say, Anna experienced a bit more turbulence, however I was relieved to see that she had a few more people fighting her battles with her this time.

Cass Grafton has a way with words and i could tell that she genuinely believed in her characters and the messages that they were trying to convey. I’m really looking forward to reading more cosy reads from this author!

Buy now.

4 thoughts on “#TheCottageInACornishCove @CassGrafton @RaRaResources #review #blogtour

  1. Thank you so much for your review, Kaisha. Sorry about the mud sticking (bad habit of mine I’m trying to improve on!) and I’m grateful you managed to dig yourself out and continue! Really appreciate your joining the tour!

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