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Anyone know what the Christmas Secrets at Villa Limoncello are? @daisyjamesbooks @canelo_co @RaRaResources

Ending the day on a festive note with my review of Daisy James’ latest book. Thank you to RaRaResources for inviting me to take part.

With Christmas around the corner, Izzie Jenkins is ready to kickstart the new ‘Snowflakes and Christmas Cakes’ course at Villa Limoncello with chef and business partner, Luca Castelotti.

However, secrets are stirring with their latest guests and when nasty accidents keep befalling the group it looks like Izzie will have to turn detective once more to protect the Villa’s fledgling reputation. On top of all this, Izzie’s been offered the job of a lifetime – back home in Cornwall. Will she be coming home for Christmas, or will Tuscany work its magic to keep her at Villa Limoncello with Luca?

What does TWG think?

This is what a true escapism novel is all about! Not only was there a setting to die for (I have never been mind, but Daisy James has definitely sold it to me, that’s for sure!), there is also a truck load of colourful characters to keep you on your toes, make you laugh and frustrate you in equal measures.

I can be quite nosy sometimes, so the fact that several characters had a few skeletons in their closet made me an eager (and impatient) beaver. I couldn’t wait to find out what they were and how Daisy James was going to incorporate them into her story.

I loved the feel good factor of this story, and the fact that I was able to immerse myself in Izzy and Luca’s story without a care in the world. I’ll be honest, I did find the storyline a bit slow at times and I was unsure as to where things were going, however I did really enjoy the flirty frolics and festive fun that made itself known throughout.

Buy now.

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